Detox Your Closet

I bet you have things in your closet you forgot you had (raises hand, ‘been there!’) If your closet has become a chaotic maze of outdated trends and forgotten treasures, fear not – a wardrobe detox is the remedy. In this guide, I’m diving into the practice of decluttering, reimagining, and reigniting your style. Get ready for the 7 Steps to Detox Your Closet, a transformative experience that will leave you with a wardrobe that sparks joy and reflects the fabulous you.

7 Steps To Detox Your Closet

Step 1: Assess the Chaos – The Closet Cleanse

Your closet is your fashion sanctuary, but it’s time to confront the chaos. Begin by pulling everything out – yes, everything! This is the part that often overwhelms us. But it is so important to see and touch every single piece of clothing in your closet as we progress through this closet cleanse. I promise it will be worth it!

Step 2: The Edit – Keep, Toss, Donate

Channel your inner fashion editor and assess each piece. Does it bring you joy? If not, consider parting ways. Is it transitional? Functional? Some items in our closet may only serve one purpose, and that is totally fine. I try to stick to the 80/20 rule – 80% of my closet has to be functional and transitional, while the other 20% can be clothing items or accessories that are dedicated to a specific event or function.

Step 3: Define Your Style – Rediscover Your Fashion Identity

Embrace the opportunity to rediscover and redefine your unique style, ensuring your closet aligns with the fabulous person you are today. You may find that much of your closet doesn’t excite you or align with who you are now. This happens. And it is easily fixed. Donate as much as you can and slowly start to add pieces that speak to your style. Just make sure the pieces you add back in are as transitional as possible.

Step 4: Seasonal Switch – Rotate and Refresh

To ensure your wardrobe stays in sync with the seasons, it’s helpful to make a seasonal switch. Rotate items strategically, bringing items or the current season in front. This step keeps your fashion game on point year-round. If your closet is large enough, I suggest setting it up in zones; this way you won’t have to do the switch.

Step 5: Capsule Magic – Create a Capsule Wardrobe

Unlock the magic of a capsule wardrobe – a curated collection of versatile pieces that effortlessly coordinate and transition from one outfit to the next. Embrace the art of blending style and practicality as you build a wardrobe that serves your lifestyle. For more information on capsule wardrobes, check out my other posts:

Step 6: Organize Like a Pro – Smart Storage Solutions

With a curated collection in place, it’s time to organize like a pro. Implement smart storage solutions that maximize space and accessibility. Discover the joy of an organized closet where every accessory has its designated place. For example, I love using bins on the top shelf of my closet to store things that I use but not every day (bathing suits and cover-ups in one, scarves and hats in another, etc.)

Arrange clothes first by color, and then by type (i.e. all skirts together, all tops together, etc). Point all the hangers the same way, so they are easily accessible. When I am doing my tops, I start with tanks, cap sleeves, short sleeves, 3/4 sleeves, and long sleeves. It makes it way easier to find the exact sleeve top when I am styling my outfit.

Step 7: Sustainable Fashion Forward – Upcycling and Donating

Once you have detoxed your wardrobe, you will find it not only easier to plan outfits and get dressed each day, but it will also help you identify the gaps. After a wardrobe detox, list all the items you feel you need to complete your outfits over the next few months. Maybe you want to add a few on-trend pieces or restock some essentials. This will become your shopping list and will help you buy only what you need and what works with your existing wardrobe.

My Top Tips for Closet Organization

Store chunky knits in a pull-out drawer under your bed or folded on a wardrobe shelf for easy reach and to provide more wardrobe/drawer space. Keep jeans folded in a drawer as they take up valuable wardrobe space; it’s easier to identify them by pockets/waistband if they are laid flat. Plan your week’s outfits on a Sunday.

If you have a spare clothes rack, pick out your Mon-Fri outfits and hang them separately – there will be so much less for you to think about in the mornings. Hang as much as possible; it’s much easier to grab something from your wardrobe than riffle through folded items in a drawer. Never store clothes on wire hangers, as they can snag or leave impressions on the shoulders of the garment.

Do you regularly detox your closet? If yes, do you follow any other steps or rules? If you do follow my 7 steps above about Detox Your closet, I’d love to know the results! Don’t forget to leave a comment below.

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